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College Spirituality

College Spirituality

College Crest

The design of our College crest was created in the form of a shield to show one is prepared to fight for the truth which is Christ.

In the centre of the shield is inscribed the 'Chi Rho' sign, reminding us that Christ also should dominate our thoughts and actions. The white book symbolises the knowledge and wisdom to be acquired while attending St Margaret Mary’s, and the rule of life to be followed at all times. It also represents the word which is Christ. On the pages of the opened book appear the letters I.O.G.D., the letters standing for the Latin words – 'In Ominbus Glorificetur Deus' – which means, 'In all things may God be glorified', the
Benedictine motto of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan who began our College.

At the foot of the shield is a scroll bearing the College’s motto, 'Christus Veritas' – 'Christ the Truth', another potent reminder of the ultimate criterion for our conduct.

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Margaret Mary Alacoque was born in Burgundy in 1647. She was said to be a humble, simple and frank person but, above all, a woman who was kind and patient. When Margaret Mary died at the age of 43, she was Novice Mistress and Assistant Superior.

Margaret Mary entered the Visitation Convent in Paray-le-Monial in 1671 at the age of 24. In March 1824, Leo XII pronounced her Venerable and on 18 September 1864, Pius IX declared her Blessed. She was canonized by Benedict XV on 13 May 1921. When her tomb was canonically opened in July 1830, two instantaneous cures took place. Jesus appeared to Margaret Mary Alacoque at Paray-le-Monial, revealing to her his heart burning with love for humanity “Here is the heart that has loved so much, and which has received such little in return.” In his appearance to Margaret Mary, Jesus requested the introduction of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, which would take place every year in June. 

The Feast of the Sacred Heart was extended to the Universal Catholic Church in 1856 and became the focus of first Friday devotions. Margaret Mary died in 1690. Her body rests under the altar in the chapel at Paray-le-Monial. Her Feast day is 17 October.

House Spirituality

Where the flame lit by John Bede Polding as the first Bishop of Australia, and founder of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, touches this House and inspires the flame of compassion and service.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven

(Matt 5:16)

Where Benedictine spirituality enlivens the House to answer the call to hear God’s voice, to listen and to care for one another. Where our voices are in harmony, where we show humility and hospitality.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony

(Col 3:14)

Monsignor Vandeleur loved St Margaret Mary’s College – he worked hard to ensure its establishment and growth. We honour the legacy of Mons Vandeleur when we too work towards the growth and enrichment of our school and its community. Our happy place is where happiness is not judged by laughter alone, but by service, humility and gentleness.

...with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bear with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity
of the Spirit in the bond of peace

(Ephesians 4:2–3)

Inspired by what it means to be a neighbour, The Good Samaritan Sisters call us to look to the parable of the Good Samaritan and the call to be a good neighbour to all those we meet – then we truly create a beautiful place.

You shall love your neighbour as yourself

(Mark 12:31)