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Defence School Mentor Program

Defence School Mentor Program

Townsville and surrounding areas have a long and significant military history. Townsville is the home to the 3rd Brigade and RAAF Base Townsville. In addition many other units and organisations that directly support Defence operations are based locally. Townsville is known as the garrison city and many Defence families currently reside in Townsville on posting and many other families have settled in Townsville post their Defence service. St Margaret Mary’s College has welcomed Defence families to our College community over many years. St Margaret Mary’s College recognises the unique lifestyle that impacts Defence families and understands that sometimes children of Defence families face challenges adjusting to a new school and new routines. It is important to our College that all our students make connections and feel included, and to feel part of our College community.            

The DSMP provides practical assistance to Defence families to support the social and emotional wellbeing of Defence students. The Program offers support to individual students, assistance with integration into the school, peers support programs, support to ADF parents, support to teachers and whole school activities.             

Defence School Mentor

St Margaret Mary’s College has a Defence School Mentor (DSM) who supports the Defence students and families. The program is overseen by the Defence Member and Family Support (DMFS) and reflects the commitment by Defence to support its members and their families.  The DSM’s role:

  • To connect with Defence families and provide information about the school and available support relevant to their child's development
  • Support Defence students to access school-based social and emotional support
  • Facilitate opportunities for Defence students to build relationships and connections through events and other initiatives
  • Raise awareness among school staff and the wider school community about the unique Defence lifestyle

For more information on the Defence School Mentor Program, visit