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Pastoral Care and Activities Overview

Pastoral Care and Activities Overview

At St Margaret Mary’s College, we pride ourselves on providing our students with a safe and welcoming learning environment, which allows all students to reach their true potential. 

Students are encouraged to respect and accept the gifts we all bring to the community. The Gospel values of respect, honesty and justice permeate every aspect of College life. 

We have developed an exceptional pastoral care structure and we are genuinely committed to providing a caring and supportive environment for our students and their families. 

Pastoral Care is based on a year level basis, with students grouped in a Pastoral Care Group and pastorally coordinated by a Pastoral Middle Leader. At least twice a day students meet with their Pastoral Care Teachers who work closely with Pastoral Middle Leaders to provide active support. Pastoral Care Teachers provide that initial point of contact as they are responsible for the general care of the students in their Pastotal Care group.

Pastoral Middle Leaders are gifted with overall pastoral care of the students in their particular year level, assisting and monitoring students welfare where necessary. They demonstrate great commitment to ensuring that all students develop socially, emotionally and academically.

At the head of this Pastoral Care structure is the Assistant Principal – Pastoral Care, who is committed to developing and maintaining the best possible environment for students in the College. This role ensures that the well-being of all students is attended to and that College expectations and responsibilities for both students and staff are clear, transparent and fairly negotiated.

In their weekly Pastoral Care Programme, students have the opportunity to engage in lessons aimed at nurturing healthy relationships, fostering a growth mindset, enhancing resilience and establishing positive study skills.

In an extra-curricular domain, many students are involved in sports and activities, a number of which are offered at lunchtimes and after school.  Our student-led Service Groups across the Arts; Community, Faith & Spirit; Environment Awarenesses; Health and Wellbeing; Indigenous Awareness; Sports and Technology, provide an enriching program for student engagement.  Our House Leaders promote College spirit across all domains of the student service.  The Student Representative Council consists of representatives from each Year Level providing a strong student voice in the service of  school improvement. 

This involvement in the life of the College is a proactive approach to positive education ensuring student well-being spiritually, emotionally and physically.

The Pastoral Care system is also supported by the work of a College Counsellor who is accessible to all members of the community in a confidential manner. 

We also recognise our parents as partners and encourage open communication, acknowledging that the development of a young person holistically, requires a close working harmony between the College and the home.  

Ultimately, the Pastoral Team is dedicated to the College Mission of educating, inspiring and inspiriting young women to live compassionately and justly, as good neighbours to all. 

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